Poetry Corner – June 2024

In this issue, we begin a new section of The Porch, which is not really new. The Porch has featured poetry previously, but we are now highlighting its place in our ongoing conversation. To launch this section, we’ve chosen haiku from Terri Pilarski and Stephanie Ramer, two of the poets who attended the Haiku Workshop at The Porch Gathering back in March. If you’d like to submit poems (any form, not only haiku!), please write to Poetry Editor Shan Overton at shanoverton@cedarcommons.org. We especially encourage poems written in the spirit of transformative storytelling, poems that will contribute to this slow conversation about beautiful and difficult things, poems that will inspire and inquire and feed hearts, minds, and souls. Welcome to the Poetry Corner! - Shan 

Two Haiku by Stephanie Ramer

The flowering plum
Dances as the spring wind blows
Pink petals all 'round

Breathing in I wait
Longing for clarity when
A little bird sings

Stephanie Ramer lives in Madison, WI. She is often found sitting on her porch with a cup of tea, pondering the extraordinary in the ordinary. 

Two Haiku by Terri Pilarski

dawn drizzle dripping

mystic myopic morning

sudden sun startles

in the deep still night

billowing breeze softly stirs

frog chorus shatters

Terri Pilarski is currently the priest of two small Episcopal congregations in Arizona. She is also a clinical social worker specializing in Bowen Systems theory. She is an avid knitter, painter, dog walker, and is currently practicing writing Haiku as part of her morning meditation. Married for 39 years with two adult children, two grandchildren, two dogs, and an old cat.