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The Porch often hosts Porch Storytelling & Music events in our home base of Asheville, NC. Five storytellers, one musician playing three songs, and one community experience. Everyone’s welcome and admission is free. Our next Porch Storytelling event is on New Year’s Eve, and we’ll be announcing more details soon.
Our annual Porch Gathering mini-festival takes place near Asheville. We’re planning a weekend of transformative storytelling through nusic, movies, conversation and community. The next Porch Gathering takes place from March 13th-16th, 2025. Details are at www.theporchgathering.com, and registration is open now.
Our Retreats provide opportunities to decompress & renew, to connect with self and/or others, to be supported in healing and discerning next steps. We offer retreats of between two days to a week or longer. Click here for more information on weekend retreats and other events, and here for information on our longer retreats in Ireland, in which we take a deep dive into learning about peacemaking on the inside and out.