We are delighted and excited to announce The Order of the Rocking Chair - a new community of transformative storytellers. Born out of our work over the last six years at The Porch, this is the manifestation of years of dreaming and discerning — and we want you to be a part of bringing it into being.
By storytellers we mean anyone who tells a story as part of their contribution to the world - writers, musicians, artists, filmmakers, therapists, clergy, and people in leadership roles.
By transformative stories we mean stories that seek to move beyond "us versus them"; the myth of redemptive violence; and both the belief that either there's nothing I can do to change things, or that I have to save the world almost entirely by myself.
By transformative storytellers we mean those committed to discerning, learning, and practicing a storytelling that changes the teller as well as the audience; pays attention both to wisdom that has stood the test of time and to the new understandings about what it is to be human that are emerging every day; and know that there is a deeper source to our telling than our own minds alone.
The Order of the Rocking Chair seeks to gather and support transformative storytellers on the path of learning and sharing life-giving stories of surpassing depth. It's a bit like a professional association in that it supports networking and sharing ideas and strategies, but you don’t have to be a professional storyteller to join - just someone who knows that their life includes telling stories and seeking to find the best ones. It’s also a bit like a religious or spiritual order in that it envisions commitments to a shared vocation and expression of core values, but you don’t have to be religious to be part of it - just compelled by a lived relationship with mystery and committed to the common good.
Think of it as a community of people who want to connect, sharing and receiving support as writers, storytellers, and other creatives who want to be in community together and nurtured in their lives and work.
You can learn more about our initiating members below, but among us are both Pulitzer Prize winners and writers whose words are rarely shared beyond their home communities; Emmy Award-winning broadcasters and podcasters who have done beautiful work for a small community; hit recording artists and musicians whose exquisite craft has perhaps yet found only a living room audience; leaders of organizations with hundreds of employees and people who work alone; sculptors and poets, photographers and therapists, spiritual directors and educators, retreat leaders and movie producers.
Story-imbibers, story-shapers, story-sharers, co-creators of a way of being that transcends false or unhelpful narratives of both utopia and doom. Instead, we seek to be transformed by the story of union among people and the ecosystem, and the genius gifted to each of us but which only flourishes when mentored by wisdom and added to the alchemic mix of the gift that others are bringing too.
You have a genius, whether or not you know it.
You have a gift that the rest of us need.
You have needs that can only be met in the context of community with other people paying attention to the transformative story of liberation, reconciliation, courage, creativity and the common good.
The Order of the Rocking Chair is for anyone who senses the call to pay attention to stories that offer a way out of “us versus them”, the myth of redemptive violence or the myth of redemptive suffering, the belief that I can’t change anything or must save everything all by myself. Whether you tell stories with your voice, your pen or keyboard, your music or visual art, in a spiritual, therapeutic or business context, if you know that the story you’re called to tell is an invitation to liberation and reconciliation, we invite you to apply to join us.
Membership is open to anyone who shares a vision for transformative storytelling as outlined here, and who is already on the path of sharing such a story. If you join you will find a supportive community who believes in your work and values relationship with you. We think you will bring and receive much, and we would be honored if you will join us.
We are treating this as an experimental year in which we will discern the shape and meaning of the work and community. What membership offers is listed below.
Opportunity to participate in a monthly online Porch Circle for Transformative Storytellers (completely optional). These will be ongoing Porch circles for those who want to meet in smaller circles to engage in transformative storytelling for the common good in their own lives, and to receive mutual support from others discerning similar questions. These will also be a great space to build trusting relationships and share ideas, and to receive feedback on your own work; and the possibility of offering or receiving mentoring.
Opportunity to participate and be supported in a path toward completing a creative project in twelve months or less - a book, a record, a website, or even just getting your life in a place where you can devote more time to creative work.
Monthly newsletter with Gareth Higgins’ essay of the month reflecting transformative storytelling for the common good + four pieces each month by members of the Order published at The Porch Magazine (pieces will be paid).
Annual opportunity for showcasing all members of the Order of the Rocking Chair in The Porch - an elegant annual post with a link to each member's website and/or a piece of their work.
An emerging “Rule", manifesto or set of commitments that emerges from the work we do together in the first year.
Discount on Porch events, coaching/spiritual direction, print publication.
Priority consideration for being published in The Porch.
Membership also supports the Porch Annual Gathering and the publication of a new annual print and e-book anthology of the best of The Porch.
Please note that membership does not require a specific time commitment - especially in this first experimental year. Some members may limit their involvement to simply reading the newsletter from time to time and knowing that they are connected to others on a similar journey; others may find that membership becomes a key part of their lives. The amount of time you give to it is entirely up to you - but we would be glad to have you with us. And let us reiterate: there is no time commitment required, just a willingness to commit to some shared values about transformative storytelling, and to connect with others on the same path.
We offer this invitation with respect for the light and shadow of the moment that we’re in, the legacy of courage and creativity unto the common good, and the desire to share in that same work today.
Applications to join the Order of the Rocking Chair will open soon, and we'll announce that on this email list. But if you would like to join, you can click here to fill out a form and let us know of your interest.
And we wish you courage, creativity, and community in the spirit of a better story.
PS: If you already support The Porch financially, nothing will change - unless you want it to! If you’d like to help support our work, we’re grateful, and we invite you to take a look at our Patreon page here.
Brian Ammons
Brian Ammons is spiritual director, coach, teacher, and pastor, with a particular interest in the ways we construct stories about ourselves as we negotiate and rework our relationships to larger cultural and societal stories. Brian splits time between Asheville and Belfast, and shares life and work with his husband, Gareth Higgins.
Melvin Bray
Melvin Bray is an Emmy® award-winning storyteller, author, and social entrepreneur who lives with his wife, three kids and two dogs in southwest Atlanta, GA. He actively participates in vanguard networks seeking more beautiful, more just, more virtue-filled ways of showing up in the world.
Francie Calfo
Wife. Mother. Daughter. Sister. Friend. TV Producer. Leader. Reader. Runner. Hiker. Biker. Believer. Life Long Listener. Holder Of Stories.
Kaitlin Curtice
Kaitlin Curtice is an award-winning author, poet-storyteller, and public speaker. As an enrolled citizen of the Potawatomi nation, Kaitlin writes on the intersections of spirituality and identity and how that shifts throughout our lives. She also speaks on these topics to diverse audiences who are interested in truth-telling and healing.
Rodrigo Dorfman
Rodrigo Dorfman is a Chilean-American award-winning writer, filmmaker and multimedia producer known for his work documenting the Great Latino Migration to the American South. His memoir Generation Exile:The Lives I Leave Behind will be published by Arte Publico Press in May, 2023.
Cathleen Falsani
Cathleen Falsani is a writer, author, longtime journalist specializing in the intersection of spirituality and culture, and a creative/literary consultant at Sinners & Saints Creative, which she operates with her lifemate, Maurice Possley. While her work appears broadly, she writes regularly on her Substack, This Numinous World.
Greg Feightner
Greg Feightner is a big nerd whose right and left brains are constantly in conversation and occasionally disagree. He contributes frequently to the Dark City Poetry Society in Black Mountain, NC through open mics and monthly critique circles. The puzzle pieces of his life as a former pastor, IT support manager, systems administrator, one-time festival organizer, men's group facilitator and public storyteller/writer at first seem to impossible to fit together, but somehow, they do. The result is a wonderfully abstract tableau resembling a Picasso painting smeared into a JMW Turner-esque canvas. His proudest achievements are recipes, particularly figuring out how to perfectly cook thick cut bacon in the oven.
Ernie Gregg
Ernie is an Artist, Activist, and Podcaster.
Tamara Hanna
Tamara Hanna has been a licensed professional counselor for nearly 20 years with a foundation in clinical psychology and creative writing. Love and Loss Counseling is her private practice in Asheville, North Carolina where she works with individuals, couples, and groups helping folks navigate relationships with integrity, heal from spiritual injury, and clear the path to deeper connection with themselves, others, and the transcendent. She lives fearlessly in deep waters, yet has learned the importance of coming up for air by cultivating beauty, play, and laughter.
Gareth Higgins
Gareth Higgins was born in Belfast in 1975, grew up during the northern Ireland Troubles, and now lives in the US. He writes and speaks about the power of storytelling to shape our lives and world, peace and making justice, and how to take life seriously without believing your own propaganda. He has been involved in peace-building and violence reduction in northern Ireland and helping address the legacy of conflict, received a Ph.D. in Sociology from Queen’s University Belfast, and helped teach the world’s first graduate course in Reconciliation Studies at Trinity College Dublin. He also helped found the Wild Goose, New Story and Movies & Meaning festivals. Gareth leads retreats in North America and Ireland; and he founded The Porch Magazine.
Lucinda Isaacs
Lucinda Isaacs lives in Southwest Ohio. A couple of years ago, she started a writing project that supposedly was about speech trauma, but it became about gender identity and spirituality. In essence, she writes about belovedness and belonging. Her deepest passion is to interpret sacred stories in community as a minister.
Elizabeth Ivey
Elisabeth Ivey is a writer and editor dedicated to precision, creativity, and imagination. In her writing, Elisabeth explores intersections between race, faith, gender, and justice, hoping that telling her story invites others to do the same.
Trent Jones
A native of rural southern Ohio, Trent Jones is a husband, father, writer, and musician living in Santa Monica, CA. A former television studio executive, for the past twelve years he has been Chairman of the Men’s Leadership Council, which supports the work of Stuart House and the Rape Treatment Center, providing compassionate treatment and care for victims of sexual assault.
David LaMotte
David LaMotte is a writer of songs and books, a concert artist, a holder of space, a dad, a husband, and a friend. He lives in Black Mountain, NC.
Michelle LeBaron
Michelle LeBaron’s conflict transformation work started in her prairie childhood and continues in many countries and contexts. Her work explores the alchemy of arts in creatively bridging differences.
Photo Credit: Charlie Naylor
Lyddon Hatten
Ted Lyddon Hatten from Indianola, Iowa is an artist, husband, and father to three sons. His work is theopoetic, multidisciplinary, and ephemeral.
James McLeary
James is a deeply experienced wisdom holder and expert facilitator whose leadership has been a critical force driving the growth and success of programs at both Folsom State Prison and San Quentin State Prison. He is the executive producer of the documentary, THE WORK, detailing Inside Circle’s program in Folsom Prison, which he directed for over 20 years. He brings deep expertise in group process work and its application in varied settings.
Morgan Meis
Morgan Meis writes about philosophy and culture for The New Yorker. He lives in Detroit, where he is the librarian of The Huckleberry Explorers Club Museum, General Store, and Gardens.
Garrett Mostowski
Garrett Mostowski is a poet, storyteller, and co-pastor of Fort Street Presbyterian Church in downtown Detroit, Michigan.
James Navé
James Navé holds an MFA in Writing Vermont College. He believes poetry is oxygen for your soul; it's meant to be written, read, memorized, put to music, published, and spoken aloud.
Kathleen Norris
Kathleen Norris is the award-winning poet, writer, and author of The New York Times bestsellers The Cloister Walk, Acedia & Me: A Marriage, Monks, and a Writer's Life, Dakota: A Spiritual Geography, Amazing Grace: A Vocabulary of Faith, and The Virgin of Bennington. Exploring the spiritual life, her work is at once intimate and historical, rich in poetry and meditations, brimming with exasperation and reverence, deeply grounded in both nature and spirit, sometimes funny, and often provocative.
Shan Overton
Shan Overton is a teacher, writer, and contemplative interested in co-creating communities of learning and care centered on spirituality, ecology, and the arts. She currently resides in Pittsburgh, where she gardens, cooks, and meditates every day with her life partner, Charles, when she is not leading classes or workshops in creative writing and public theology at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and elsewhere.
Pittman Morrell
Jasmin Pittman Morrell is a writer living in Asheville, North Carolina with her two kiddos, Jubilee and Nova. When she's not submerged in a sea of words, you can probably find her wandering around in the woods.
Maurice Possley (MoPo) is a lifelong journalist and writer who has written five non-fiction books, has been awarded a Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting and in the past decade has written narrative summaries of the wrongful conviction and ultimate exoneration of about 2,500 men and women.
Rick Rekedal
Rick Rekedal, founder of Story Crate, and his award-winning career has been shaped by roles within Hollywood, Nashville, the U.K. and Hong Kong, including over 20 years with DreamWorks.
I speak and write with an accent. Born in Puerto Rico, calling the Pacific Northwest my second home. I am an Episcopal Priest. I unashamedly drive a mini-van.
Suzanne Ross
Suzanne is co-founder and Executive Director of unRival Network. She's a Montessori educator, Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground changed her life, and she delights in having her 7 grandchildren nearby.
Kim Ruehl is a writer focused on the intersections of family, community, and music. Previously editor of No Depression for nine years, Kim is the author of A Singing Army: Zilphia Horton and the Highlander Folk School and has written for a wide range of publications about music, culture, and life.
Rev. Dr.
Rev Dr. Donna Schaper, AKA The Dolly Mama, is a rewired religious renegade who loves alliteration.
Micky ScottBey Jones
Micky ScottBey Jones is a Black, queer womanist, a transformative coach, innovative enneagram expert teacher and coach, writer, facilitator and dancer that believes practice makes possible.
Anthony Smith
Anthony Smith is a poet, author, activist, city council member in Salisbury, NC, and the parish pastor of Mission House, a faith-rooted community hub in Salisbury, NC.
Rachel Swan
Rachel loves round food--namely pie--and the way it brings people together, evoking storytelling and memory making. She is a pie maker and teacher, and lover of unrelenting over-the-top hospitality.Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
George Viney
George Viney, Psy.D., MFT, is a Jungian/Archetypal therapist, magician, poet, writer, and storyteller in Los Angeles whose creative calling and endeavors are all reverently in service to the wedding of Eros and Psyche, Love and the Soul, within and without!
Jonathan Warner
Jonathan Warner is a student of leadership, emotional intelligence, and the mysteries of interactive entertainment and with his wife and children he walks the path.
Ari Weinzweig
Ari Weinzweig is the Co-Founding Partner of the Zingermaman's Community of Businesses in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He's also the author of over a dozen books and pamphlets, all published by Zingerman's Press, including Zingerman's Guide to Good Leading, Part 4: A Lapsed Anarchist's Approach to the Power of Beliefs in Business and his most recent work, a pamphlet entitled, "The Story of Visioning at Zingerman's: Four Visions, Forty Years, and a Positive Look Towards the Future."
David Wilcox
My name is David Wilcox. I am a caregiver for my lovely wife Nance. As a singer songwriter, music has been my practice and path. It holds me accountable to the glimpses of how I want to feel in this life. I sing myself sane, song by song. I want to walk with you all to the view where we can see where we are going out on the horizon.