AT THE TOP OF OUR DRIVEWAY - Garrett Mostowski
You ask me what I’m doing
and laugh
when I tell you
I’m diggin
the sky
you can’t dig it
you say
it’s pink and orange-pink
and orange
like flow
and flowers on fire
not brown
like dirt
and we only dig dirt
I have nothing to say
to that
as you scoop
the mound of my hand
into one of your
little shovels
and lead me
between the rake
of shadows
dragging the light
from our lawn
Garrett Mostowski’s (Insta/Threads: @gmostowski) work has recently appeared in or is forthcoming from BULL, Barren, The Porch, Olney Mag, Unstamatic, Spurned, The Galway Review, and others. His debut book of poems Lunations is available wherever books are sold.