over your shrieks
squeals and the overflow
drain gulping
water they
sound like tic tacs
plinking the bottom
of a well
or a writer
tinkering with her keys
in the back of some cave
each one bouncing
across the rippling
surface until bursting
on our foreheads
shoulders chests cheeks
i wish they wouldn’t
i wish they’d bounce
through us and open
a river to float
where we could hold
fingers and
follow the echoes
of pings
until they crescendoed
with our smiles
into some tin-
that makes us
we had lived
and loved
each other
Garrett Mostowski’s (Insta/Threads: @gmostowski) work has recently appeared in or is forthcoming from BULL, Barren, The Porch, Olney Mag, Unstamatic, Spurned, The Galway Review, and others. His debut book of poems “Lunations” is available wherever books are sold.